• Identification
Social reason Parts-TV
responsible name Gaudel
Responsible first name Michael
Postal code 57200
Country France
Site host OVH (2 rue Kellermann, 59100 Roubaix - FRANCE) PREAMBLE

The order of products presented in the electronic catalog of this website is subject to acceptance by the buyer, and implies acceptance without any reservation by the latter, of all the general conditions of sale set out below. These general terms and conditions of sale are binding on the buyer without regard to particular clauses added by him - except with the express agreement of the seller - and without regard to the advertising documents issued by the owner of the website. The acceptance of the buyer is materialized by his electronic signature, concretized by the "click of validation". This electronic signature has the value of a handwritten signature between the parties. This approach is equivalent for the buyer to acknowledge that he has fully understood and that he approves all the conditions indicated below. Except in the limited cases provided for by these general conditions of sale, the order form signed electronically by the buyer, by means of the "validation click", is worth final order, and cannot be retracted. Under these conditions, we invite customers who have connected to its electronic distance selling catalog to carefully read the general conditions of sale below, before proceeding to any actual order of products appearing in this catalog.

Article 1: object

These general conditions of sale aim to specify the rights and obligations of the buyer with regard to the products sold in our electronic catalog, within the framework of a distance selling system. The contract established in the event of an effective order within the framework and according to the conditions referred to in these general conditions of sale, falls under the regulation of distance selling, as it results in particular from the Consumer Code.


The contact details of the owner of the site are:





status: self-employed


The products offered in the spare parts and accessories catalog and whose distance selling is governed by these general conditions of sale have the following essential characteristics:

- Products concerned: the name, the packaging, the quantity as well as the particularities are specified for each of the products in the catalog. All of these elements are included in the order made by the buyer. In any case, the presentation photos of the products offered in the catalog are not contractual, and cannot engage the responsibility of the seller with regard to the buyer.

- Geographical area of ​​delivery: the offer referred to in these general conditions of sale is limited to metropolitan France and the European zone.

- Availability of the good or service: the products presented in the catalog and whose distance selling is governed by these general conditions of sale, are available as long as the product concerned appears in the catalog.


The sales offers contained in the catalog, governed by these general conditions of sale, are valid for any product contained in this catalog as long as it remains online or until the stock is exhausted.

Article 5: PRICE

The prices listed on the site are expressed in Euros and are net to be paid, excluding postage. They can be modified at any time and without notice.
To this price, it is advisable to add the transport costs calculated according to the type of the ordered articles and the carrier selected by the customer. The shipping costs are specified on the screen at the end of the selection of the various products by the customer, and are recalled in the summary of the order which precedes the validation.
The price is payable in cash on the day of the order. The prices charged are those applied at the time of the order within the limits of available stocks. T

Outside the European Union or in the DOM-TOMs, and according to the legislation in force in the delivery area, customs fees and duties and taxes may be claimed by them from the Customer.

Some products may benefit from a "Free Shipping" offer. The port is then offered free of charge only for shipment to Metropolitan France. If other products are shipped at the same time, the weight of the products benefiting from the "Free port" offer will not be taken into account in the calculation of the costs. of port.


The acceptance of the offer by the buyer is materialized by the validation, within the framework of the catalog, by a "validation click", of all the information which must be completed by the buyer: Name, First name, Address of delivery, e-mail. The order placed by the buyer is the subject of a written confirmation by e-mail from the seller. This confirmation contains: product designation, quantity ordered, price and delivery terms.

Article 7: PAYMENT

Payment is made by paypal with or without a paypal account. Without a paypal account it is possible to pay by Carte Bleue, Visa, Eurocard, Mastercard accepted in France).
The validation of the order by credit card is worth mandate to pay the price including all taxes of the order.
The customer must transmit via the Internet the type of card (Carte Bleue, Visa, Eurocard, Mastercard), the card number, the expiry date and the name of the holder.

A detailed invoice will be sent to the customer in his package excluding VAT. VAT not applicable under article 293 B of the General Tax Code

The banking institution (PAYPAL) and are the recipients of the data related to your order. The non-transmission of data related to your order prevents the realization and analysis of your transaction.

The occurrence of an outstanding payment on the grounds of fraudulent use of a bank card will result in the registration of the details relating to your order associated with this outstanding payment in a payment incident file implemented by the Banque de France. . An irregular declaration or an anomaly may also be subject to specific processing.

In accordance with the Data Protection Act of January 6, 1978, you have, at any time, a right of access, rectification, and opposition to all of your personal data by writing, by mail and by justifying your identity, to the National Commission for Computing and Liberties (CNIL) at 8 r Vivienne 75002 PARIS.

Article 8: DELIVERY

The ordered product is delivered by a carrier to the address appearing on the buyer's order.

Delivery delay
If the item ordered is available in stock, the shipping time is approximately 2 working days for any order placed before 3:00 p.m., and 5 days after. Delivery times will only begin from the date of payment of the order.
In the event of force majeure or exceptional events (natural disaster, epidemic, strikes, lockouts, etc.) delaying or prohibiting the delivery of goods, is released from all liability.
Delivery times are only given as an indication and cannot give rise, on the part of the customer, to the cancellation of the order, nor to a claim for damages whatsoever in the event of delay due to any event. .

In case of unavailability of a product in stock at the time of the order following numerous orders on and on other sales platforms will inform the customer by email as soon as possible by offering either the cancellation and immediate refund of the sums debited or by offering to maintain the order until the replenishment of the reference concerned.

No total or partial cancellation of an order confirmed in writing with AR from the purchaser can be accepted except with the agreement of the company piè In this case, a lump sum of 10 € will be invoiced to the customer, increased by a percentage of the total amount of the canceled order, in return for the damage and the costs caused by this cancellation.
For any order cancellation, the deposits that have been paid cannot be returned.
Any cancellation of order, whatever the reason, and accepted by will give right to the only reimbursement of the sums paid, after deduction of the fixed amount of 10 € and a percentage of the total amount of the order. No compensation for this cancellation can be requested.

The customer must check the good condition of the packages upon delivery and, in the event of damage or missing product, will specify their reservations on the delivery note and confirm them, within three days of delivery by mail or email to contact, and by registered mail AR addressed to the carrier itself.

In the event that the buyer is absent during the delivery of the product ordered in the catalog, it is his responsibility to contact the carrier to organize a new delivery or go and collect his order from the depot.
By signing the delivery note, the customer accepts the products delivered as they are and therefore no claim relating to damage suffered during transport will be accepted. It is the customer's responsibility to carry out all checks and make all reservations upon arrival of the equipment and to exercise, if necessary, all recourse against the carrier.

Upon receipt of the goods, the customer must immediately check their condition and their conformity with the contract. This verification must also be done, if necessary, on the internal condition of the pre-assembled machines. All complaints relating to a defect in the goods delivered, an inaccuracy in the quantities or an erroneous reference in relation to the order confirmed by, must be formulated in writing within four days of receipt of the goods in the absence of which the right to claim will cease to be acquired. Any return of goods requires the prior agreement of In the absence of agreement, any returned goods will be held at the disposal of the customer at his expense, risk and peril, all transport, storage and handling costs being borne by the customer. In all cases, the return of the goods is carried out at the expense, risk and peril of the customer. cannot under any circumstances be required to compensate or cancel an order following the impossibility of using the purchased product for reasons of incompatibility with the hardware or software already owned by the customer.


Under the conditions provided for in Article L121-16 of the Consumer Code, the buyer has a withdrawal period of fifteen (15) days from the date of delivery, unless otherwise specified in the catalog. If for any reason whatsoever you are not satisfied with your order, you must then inform us, by email, and return the product to us in perfect condition (clean condition for resale) accompanied by its original packaging (NOT UNPACKED) and all its accessories and documents (technical manual, warranty and other) for replacement or refund. No refund will be accepted if the product has been unpacked and assembled .

Any return of goods requires the seller's prior agreement and a return number valid for 7 days from its issue, requested from the after-sales service of by email. The product must be returned to parts-tv 24B RUE ERNEST KREBS 57200 SARREGUEMINES
Any product that has been damaged or is physically damaged will not be refunded or exchanged.
The costs relating to the return of the product are the responsibility of the buyer.
In case of non-conformity of a returned product, the costs of reshipment will be borne by the buyer.

For any return of goods, you must return only the articles concerned to us. For any unrequested returned item, will under no circumstances be required to return these items to the customer. If the need were, a request would be made to you so that you send us the various cables or peripherals necessary.


All products sold on are new or used and benefit from a SIX (6) month warranty for new parts and 1 month for used parts. (from the date shown on the invoice).

the warranty does not apply to the repair of damage resulting from a cause external to the device (for example an accident, shock, lightning, poor assembly, fluctuation of current,...) use that is harmful to the good preservation of the device, use of unsuitable peripherals, accessories, etc. It is up to the individual customer to have the assembly carried out by a specialized professional . does not apply, moreover, for damage resulting from a modification of the program or settings, or from a defect due to improper use.
In the event of the return of equipment proving to be non-defective, transport, handling and testing costs (at an hourly cost of €39 including tax) may be invoiced to the customer. This warranty does not cover damage resulting from accidents, misuse or negligence. Any object showing traces of physical shock or even slight "overheating" thermal deterioration will lose all rights to the guarantee.

Any return of goods requires the prior agreement of (except in the cases limitedly provided for by these general conditions of sale) and the obtaining of a return number issued by the latter to the customer, which must be very legibly written on any returned package. The return of the goods is carried out at the expense, risk and peril of the customer. Products returned by carrier without physical protection or poorly protected cannot benefit from the guarantee, it is therefore up to the customer to take care to protect and insure the product(s) returned during their transport.

It is up to the customer to keep the packaging, accessories supplied with the product as well as any labels affixed to the product or its packaging, and which are necessary to benefit from the guarantee offered.
The average warranty processing time for a product sold by is 1 to 2 weeks.

Given the manufacturing methods of LCD, LED and Plasma screens, pixel defects are often unavoidable. They only constitute manufacturing defects if they deviate from the specifications and tolerances announced by the manufacturer.

Guaranteed products must be returned to the following address:





In the absence of express opposition on his part, the buyer gives his consent to the use of personal data collected under the terms of his order, under the seller's customer file, as well as to the dissemination of this data to third parties, provided that a contractual link unites the seller to these third parties. In accordance with law n° 78-17 of January 6, 1978 relating to data processing, files and freedoms, the buyer has at any time a right of access and rectification.


In the event of a dispute, the buyer will first contact the seller in order to agree on an amicable solution. The fact that the seller does not take advantage of a breach of any of the obligations incumbent on the buyer, governed by these general conditions of sale, cannot be interpreted as a waiver for the future of the obligation in question, nor the buyer's right to avail himself subsequently of this breach.

These general conditions of sale are governed by French law. For all disputes relating to this contract between Parts-TV and the buyer, only contact:

Commercial court Sarreguemines 57200
Place du General Sibille BP 71129